Tuesday, July 2, 2013

June 2013 Recap

Alright, I am curious about what might make my body system down this month and eventually… The full outdoor schedule is what makes it.

2nd June 2013: 11thlon with Aquarius Coca Cola
The running event makes me exhausted, prior to the day before’s activity that kinda drain me with the heat. And yes, down with cold for a week since I HATE medication of any sort.

11th June 2013 : Testing the job
This is a long story so I’d rather skip it. After being sick, I gotta do this job and I’m telling you, it was totally not easy coz I have to be ready since early in the morning and finished kinda late.

16th June 2013 :  Final Meeting
…. Or should I say a chance to meet people I rarely meet this year for once? And yes, the place is hot, and etc etc.

17th – 21st June 2013 : Singapore Trip
Yes, you hear me right. I’m off to Singapore. And the whole album of that trip is in my FB page. Too lazy to do a trip review now. Perhaps some other time when I’m high enough to do it.

22nd June 2013 :  5th Anniversary of a canteen I know of
And no need to guess, the event and the heat was totally hit the tolerance level. I heard that the temperature that day reached 39 C. No wonder! Add it with the fatigue, it’s a wonder I’m not down yet after that.

26th June 2013 : Meet with long-time-no-see friend
Yes, I’m totally a social person. And when I meet with friends, it’s a guarantee that I won’t be home early. But that’s okay since I was staying and resting up for the past few days. Or so I thought.

30th June 2013 : Charity Event

Should I say that? I guess not. Again, the heat and the activities I have to do on that particular day was… excessive. Add it with several of my good friends there is carrying some bad virus and my mom was having a coughing fit for several days… And I’m totally having a fever now. Hope I won't get down for the second time this year.
