.: Confidence: The feeling you have just before you understand the situation :.
Again, early in the morning I read this sentence (don't you think I read a lot these days?) and I got punched in the gut! Well, not literally saying being punched by someone, but I am truly shocked with those sentences.
Confidence, if we look upon our dictionary, they all will say:
- assurance: freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities;
- a feeling of trust (in someone or something);
- a state of confident hopefulness that events will be favorable;
- a trustful relationship;
- a secret that is confided or entrusted to another;
In this article (I don't know what to say about this writing except 'article') I would like to take the meaning of confidence as "belief in yourself and ability" as the best definition.
Do you ever feel confident before doing ANY task, but in the middle you started to feel a little bit... doubting your ability? It's not that you lose your confidence, but the task is such a tricky one that you might think, "Why am I doing this" or "Why I'm not doing that before?" or "I am wrong... I should've look before doing such things"
When we started to think all like that, we started to lose out ability to think clearly and that's when we, usually, started to do some errors. All of you might think "that's not true" but let me tell you something. That's human. Making mistakes, being proud of ourselves, that's a part of being human.
Not that I say it's wrong, but sometimes -most of the time- we rely on our own strengh too much, that we forgot our boundaries, our own limitation. And we feel like... tired, enough of all, whenever we see that we almost fail to do something. And our confidence in the earlier will vanish like a thin air.
That's why I said earlier, the sentence is making me realize, that things sometimes has it's own boundaries. That we sometimes feel we can cross over the boundaries, even though we don't know how the end will be. For me, having a confidence of our own ability is good. But what to be remembered is that... We are nothing compared to GOD. My ability came from Him, and that's all that I have to remember every time I meet some problem.
As for those who don't believe in God, you must have feel that there are greater nature working too, right? And you believe in that, adding to your ability to make things right. It's the same with me. I can't do anything without looking at the possibility. And when I'm stuck, no matter how, I always can get our from the pich. With some help from someone, or even from a dream that I have at night. Funny, isn't it?
It seems to move to another topic if I continued this, so I'd better stop at it. Once again, I want you all to think it through:
Confidence: The feeling you have just before you understand the situation
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