This was supposedly happened on the 16th, and actually I posted it on my FB. But I hope this can be one of yhe purpose this blog supposed to be...
Today... I scream again. I screamed on top of my lungs till I feel I can hardly breathe. And that does not even make me feel better... Instead, I even feel worse, for I have hurt someone again. And the wound from 26 years ago is bleeding again. With or without my intention.
I'm blunt. I'm hurt. But I don't think it can surpass the feeling that person feel. I'm protecting myself by showing a sign of weakness, and yet I'm hurting someone in the process. What a past held that the present and future don't? A definition. A define, exact fact that cannot be changed in our life. A definitive pattern that our DNA carries on to our future.
A past so dark can change a bright future ahead when it unveil. A past can affect our comprehension of things happen in the present. A past can cloud people's heart in a brief moment. And a past is... unchangeable.
A present is something that exist because of the past. What we do today may affect out future. Therefore a past is definitely powerful enough for us to consider our present. A present is a thing that is also unchangeable, but not unexpected. Because we live it with our life, stand on it, and will cherished or hated it later. A present... is a present that is unknown, yet can carry a story.
A future... is unknown. Indefinitive. Yet is a result of a past and present. A future can be decide by what we do today. A future might be something we already thought about in the past, as a dream. Yet a future is partly dream nor destiny. It is merely a result.
Why am I saying all this? I don't know. It is a result of something happened in my past, also something happens in the past minutes I write this. And why this topic? Why past, present and future? Because people, usually, unconsciously do things based on their PAST experiences, without regarding anything else, even the PRESENT one to determine their FUTURE. That is how we usually act. And that is exactly what happens.
A harsh decision has been made. And the hurting parties are bleeding. Still bleeding. And don't know how or when it will stop. And once more, we stand on the point blank. Again...
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