One day I was stumbled upon one quote by Robert Leighton that said "The flower that follows the sun does so even in cloudy days". At that time, I suddenly like hearing God saying, "No matter how difficult your life is, never leave ME" And thus I also kind of saw a sunflower image at that time (which was a bit impossible at that time since I was on the road, to be exact in the bus). That's when I know that God Himself has given me this inspiration to tell all of you guys about "Perseverance"

The flower that follows the sun does so even in cloudy days
Well, what's the connection between perseverance and sunflower and that quote? Maybe some of you already know it, but I'm just writing it down in notes, so that everyone can get the message clear (I really try my best to describe it to you in a clear way)
As we all know, the only flower that we can see following the sun movement is sunflower. Not that the other flower don't, but they only look upwards, while sunflower always follows wherever the sun moves. They "wake up" looking on the east, where the sun goes up, and "sleep" when the sun goes down on the west. That's the habit of a sunflower. They always do to, even when it is cloudy. And that is what we often failed to see. It's perseverance towards the sun.
Looking at the habit of the flower, we might think that it is usual. God has created it that way, so that's why it follows the 'unseen rule' like that. But have any of you ever thought this way? "God creates rule for every of His creation, but they have their own thinking of not following it". If that's so, then why it's only one particular flower that seem to follows it while the others not? We'll leave that question to God to give us enlightment. For now, I will only say that look at the flower's habit (and will edit this notes again if there's anything else).
God himself wants us to be like that. We woke up in the morning, looking sincerely to God, and searching His light in our daily life. During the day, when we work, we also required to look upon God so that we get nurtured with anything that happens to us -whether it's good or bad. And while we get ready to sleep, we also don't forget to still keep looking to our mighty God and thank Him for the day that we've been through. So that's basically the reflection of human's life from the sunflower's movement.
A flower doesn't have any defense from anything that come upon it. A strong wind will blow it, sometimes scattering it's petals, and anything that's can be blow off. Virus, worms, disease can get on it, trying to wither the flower, but we can see that sunflower won't neglect it's 'duty' to keep an eye of the sun no matter what happen. The perseverance we can see in sunflower should be implement in our daily life.
Often time we only see God, praise Him whenever we're in our best condition. Often we forget Him when we are facing some difficulties, only to find way back to Him when we remember that the only way is Him. And more often we forget COMPLETELY about Him when we're happy. Also, sometimes we have no perseverance in anything that we do, in that way that we quit half-way through (happens to me too, don't worry) without trying our best to see whatever may happen.Don't forget that sunflower, follows the sun from rise to set, preserving all the light in itself, just in order to 'cook' up the food that can be useful later on. The center of sunflower have many seeds that we, human, can eat or replant again. And it's not only one, but many, remind you. And that's how our life are supposed to be. Looking up to our one and only God, nurturing ourself of His light, and 'seeding' for others to enjoy. Once again I tell you, fellow brothers and sisters, that that's how God wants us to life. Not like an ordinary flowers, but like the sunflower. And that is exactly why that particular kind is the tallest and most eye-catching amongst all. Because they live to let people see how glorious God has created them. with the yellow color of petal so that people can see them 'shining' from faraway. That's how we should be reflected on other people's eyes.
Walter Elliot, an American Catholic priest, once said "Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other". It means that in life, there will be a lot of race that we have to face. And it won't end until the end of time. Whether we will be come out as a winner in the end or not, that will depends on our strength and, of course, our persistence (perseverance). As Winston Churchill also said that "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." It means that our perseverance that really counts in this life, and that's what God also wants from us, in our relationship with Him.
How long should you try? Until. That's what Jim Rohn, an American motivator said. It means that we have to try as long as we can, with everything we can, until the end. It might seem that it is really easy to tell this to people, but rest assure that I'm writing this, reflecting it to myself, as a human being with many flaw, and I know very well on the first hand that preseverance is NOT an easy task to do. If there's anything in this life that is easy, then we all won't grrow up and get strong. Then we all will life like a baby, full of weaknesses. It is really fulfilling when we can get on the finish line with our own strengh, rather than other people's strengh. We will feel.. proud of ourselves, but remember, everything that we can do, come none other than from God himself that gives us the chance and strengh to carry on with our tasks. Remember, you don't get paid for the hour, but to get paid for the value you bring to the hour. Means that everything will come in returns to whatever you are doing.
God never give us an easy path for us to take. Why? A song said: "The road to heaven paved with good intention" but in fact, it is really not easy for us to walk through it. It is because God wants us to learn. God wants us not to wish it were easier, bu He wants us to wish that we were better. That way, we can contribute to the world (our environment) something in return (in the future). He wants us to learn something so that we can teach other when they face similar problem by saying (and not BS-ing) "I've faced that before and I came out triumphantly". HE wants us to be a winner. And that's why preseverance is really needed in our life. All can have preseverance, but not all is strong enough to endure it. That's where we can ask God to help us. And that is why He never give us the easy way in our life, so that we can always remember Him.
Copyright @ Shintawaty 2010.
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