Lots of things happened for this month only, and I mean a lot. I lose my job (don't say: 'again?' to me... I know how suck it is right now), broke up (this still perhaps since I don't really know our situation per se he doesn't want to give any d*mn call, and with the holiday is lurking in the corner, it is quite impossible to find a job right now. So here I am, sitting in a corner of one shopping plaza (I won't say it as a mall), sipping my iced cappucinno and downloading movies for my leisure time, looking around this cafe with less interest since it is fasting time and it's also working days, so nothing much to see either.
What I know is I need to get out from my house or else I'd succumb to craziness called loneliness. I've been alone for... almost my whole life, and I just don't really want to be alone right now. So here i am, still alone, but surrounded at least by people. Weird? I find so too.
It was only a matter of time before I got tired of your ways...I tried to make you fire, but you were only ice...
I read those sentences in my friend's account and looking at my life right now. I think that's what my BF will say to me. Yea.. I'm one cold wench. But what to do? I'm just trying my best to understand, but perhaps what's looked outside is different than the inside. It's just don't work that way, I'm afraid.
Here I am, rambling again. But you know what? I don't care. I want to write what I'm feeling, so I won't forget these days, less I got an Alzheimer, I still have this to remind me of something, anything so I won't really lose myself.